如果你有Android的 Source Code 然後想要將C/C++ code cross compile到ARM上面的話,可以使用 Android所提供的cross compiler。但有一個問題是,要真正拿來編譯的時候需要加入很多CFLAG(Include Header Path及Linking Library)。
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# Copyright 2008, Andrew Ross andy@plausible.org
# Distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL, see COPYING for details
# The Android toolchain is ... rough. Rather than try to manage the
# complexity directly, this script wraps the tools into an "agcc" that
# works a lot like a gcc command line does for a native platform or a
# properly integrated cross-compiler. It accepts arbitrary arguments,
# but interprets the following specially:
# -E/-S/-c/-shared - Enable needed arguments (linker flags, include
# directories, runtime startup objects...) for the
# specified compilation mode when building under
# android.
# -O - Turn on the optimizer flags used by the Dalvik build. No
# control is provided over low-level optimizer flags.
# -W - Turn on the warning flags used by the Dalvik build. No
# control is provided over specific gcc warning flags.
# Notes:
# + The prebuilt arm-eabi-gcc from a built (!) android source
# directory must be on your PATH.
# + All files are compiled with -fPIC to an ARMv5TE target. No
# support is provided for thumb.
# + No need to pass a "-Wl,-soname" argument when linking with
# -shared, it uses the file name always (so don't pass a directory in
# the output path for a shared library!)
# Dance around to find the actual android toolchain path (it's very
# deep, so links on $PATH are going to be common.
my $GCC = `which arm-eabi-gcc`;
$GCC = qx(cd `dirname $GCC`; /bin/pwd);
chomp $GCC;
die "bad arm-eabi-gcc path" if $GCC !~ /(.*)\/prebuilt\//;
my $DROID = $1;
my $ALIB = "$DROID/out/target/product/generic/obj/lib";
my $TOOLCHAIN = "$DROID/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.2.1";
my @include_paths = (
my @preprocess_args = (
"-D__ARM_ARCH_5TE__", # Already defined by toolchain
"-include", "$DROID/system/core/include/arch/linux-arm/AndroidConfig.h",
my @warn_args = (
"-Wno-unused", # why?
"-Wno-multichar", # why?
"-Wstrict-aliasing=2"); # Implicit in -Wall per texinfo
my @compile_args = (
"-funwind-tables", # static exception-like tables
"-fstack-protector", # check guard variable before return
"-fmessage-length=0"); # No line length limit to error messages
my @optimize_args = (
"-frerun-cse-after-loop", # Implicit in -O2 per texinfo
"-fstrict-aliasing", # Implicit in -O2 per texinfo
my @link_args = (
# Also need: -Wl,-soname,libXXXX.so
my @shared_args = (
"-Wl,--whole-archive"); # .a, .o input files go *after* here
# Now implement a quick parser for a gcc-like command line
my %MODES = ("-E"=>1, "-c"=>1, "-S"=>1, "-shared"=>1);
my $mode = "DEFAULT";
my $out;
my $warn = 0;
my $opt = 0;
my @args = ();
my $have_src = 0;
while(@ARGV) {
my $a = shift;
if(defined $MODES{$a}) {
die "Can't specify $a and $mode" if $mode ne "DEFAULT";
$mode = $a;
} elsif($a eq "-o") {
die "Missing -o argument" if !@ARGV;
die "Duplicate -o argument" if defined $out;
$out = shift;
} elsif($a =~ /^-W.*/) {
$warn = 1;
} elsif($a =~ /^-O.*/) {
$opt = 1;
} else {
if($a =~ /\.(c|cpp|cxx)$/i) { $have_src = 1; }
push @args, $a;
my $need_cpp = 0;
my $need_compile = 0;
my $need_link = 0;
my $need_shlink = 0;
if($mode eq "DEFAULT") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = $need_link = 1; }
if($mode eq "-E") { $need_cpp = 1; }
if($mode eq "-c") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = 1; }
if($mode eq "-S") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = 1; }
if($mode eq "-shared") { $need_shlink = 1; }
if($have_src and $mode ne "-E") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = 1; }
# Assemble the command:
my @cmd = ("arm-eabi-gcc");
if($mode ne "DEFAULT") { @cmd = (@cmd, $mode); }
if(defined $out) { @cmd = (@cmd, "-o", $out); }
if($need_cpp) { @cmd = (@cmd, @include_paths, @preprocess_args); }
@cmd = (@cmd, @compile_args);
if($warn) { @cmd = (@cmd, @warn_args); }
if($opt) { @cmd = (@cmd, @optimize_args); }
if($need_link) { @cmd = (@cmd, @link_args); }
if($need_shlink) { @cmd = (@cmd, @shared_args); }
@cmd = (@cmd, @args);
#print join(" ", @cmd), "\n"; # Spit it out if you're curious
- Line 37:將路徑修改成你電腦上的arm-eabi-g++的位置
$GCC = "/opt/compal/android/15r1/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-g++";
- Line 40:將$DROID改成你電腦上Android的位置
my $DROID = "/opt/compal/android/15r1";
- Line 42:一般來說,如果是build模擬器的話可以把cardhu改成generic
my $ALIB = "$DROID/out/target/product/cardhu/obj/lib";
- Line 43:一樣修改arm-eabi-g++的位置
my $TOOLCHAIN = "/opt/compal/android/15r1/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-g++";
- Line 119:
- Line 134: d